Sunday, December 27, 2009
I Have Arrived, or, The Bitch is Back
After a twelve hour flight next to the most insane American ever created (I will blog about this in greater detail later. I have pages and pages written about it in my notebook), I arrived in Paris at midday yesterday and then spent a very long time waiting for my bag to arrive at the baggage claim (if there's one thing that American airports are slightly good at sometimes, it's getting all the bags there in one go, rather than sending out a steady drip of luggage) and then waiting for my Laotian cab driver to believe that I wasn't Italian (Es tu italien? No, suis americain! No! Ouais!)
I met my parents at the apartment and we wandered around the Eiffel Tower and the Champ de Mars. There is a Christmas Village (Village de Noel) up at the foot of the Champ de Mars right now. I have taken many photos of all of this, but I forgot to bring my Compact Flash reader so there will be no photos until I am back in the United States.
My brother and his fiance arrived at 10 last night, and so we got a late start today. I was the first person awake today, at 10:30, so I made us a pot of coffee and put out our Parisian breakfast spread: bread, cheese, jam and ham. I was not allowed to buy fig jam at the marche yesterday ("Gross!" my father said), but this morning Nathan and Emily wished that there were fig jam. Stuck between a rock and a hard place I am.
We are going to take a stroll through the 7e visiting Les Invalides and go through the Pletzl to end up in the Latin Quarter. If we have time we will take my mom to Ile St Louis where there are a lot of little craft stores.
Friday, December 25, 2009
I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane
The last time I went to Paris, I arrived dazed and confused in the morning, looking something like this:
Monday, December 14, 2009
How/Why I Flirted With A Gay Man
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Evolution Of The Hipster 2000-2009
Rainy Day Day Dreaming
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I’m a person prone to awkwardness, especially when it comes to communicating with others. Even though I constantly strive to avoid clumsiness in my interactions with others, I oftentimes fail miserably—across all mediums of communication.
The most recent place that I’ve noticed an intrusion of awkward moments is while on Gmail chat, a place in which I spend a significant portion of my day.
Awkward Gmail Chat Moment #1: Dual Conversations
Conversation is cruising along steadily on one topic, with both participants actively discussing the topic at hand. Suddenly, while Person A is typing (and thanks to the infinite innovation that is Gmail chat, you can actually see that this person is typing), presumably about to continue on the current topic of conversation, Person B suddenly asks an off-topic question or comments on something completely out of left field. Person A then hits enter, thereby continuing the conversation around the original topic.
Both people are now the proud owners of an awkward dual conversation: a concurrent, two topic chat.
If the chatters are experienced, the topic of lesser importance will eventually die off (usually after a couple of lines). But sometimes, the dual conversation can linger, with both people trying to comment on both topics at once. Personally, I find maintaining dialogue on two topics at once confusing and unnatural.
This dual conversation, once extinguished, can also be ignited later in the conversation, should one of the participants remember something relevant that they’d like to share. It’s like never-ending birthday candles, persistent to the point of annoyance.
Awkward Gmail Chat Moment #2: Long Pauses
Any time there’s a long pause, it can get awkward. Just think of the last first date you were on, remember when the conversation slowed?
The same goes for Gmail chat. In fact, it’s even a more obvious when there’s a long pause because of the time stamp. If you’re the last person who’s typed something, the time stamp gives you a physical reminder of how long you’ve been ignored.
Pauses are sometimes necessary. When I’m being ignored, I often look to the person’s status. If I see that they’ve gone idle, I know that a bathroom break or mtg has taken them from their computer. If they’re red, I realize that something’s come up that they have to focus on.
I start to feel neglected when the person has stayed green, but hasn’t changed their status or typed anything to me for a while. Because if they’re still green without changing a thing, that means they’re chatting with others and ignoring me.
Only thing worse is when I’m at the office and can see that person sitting at their desk, hammering away with Gmail open and my most recent ping flashing at the bottom right of their screen.
Awkward Gmail Chat Moment #3: The Grinding Wind Down
Often preceded by the Long Pause, the Grinding Wind Down is the point at which both participants have nothing left to—literally—chat about.
You can feel it: your conversation has been forced by both parties for the last couple minutes, each of you quickly running out of things to say. That's when the Grinding Wind Down hits, usually taking the form of one word responses that don’t spur additional conversation.
What can you respond to someone who just typed “haha”? Answer: nothing.
Unless, of course, there’s another topic you can chat about.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
It's Fitness Time, Homies
We all ate too much at Thanksgiving. For some it was mashed potatoes, for others it was Chinese food. But the important thing is that we did not work out. And now we are entering the most important time of the year to have a firm butt: Corporate Holiday Party.
Nothing says opportunity like spending a night with gainfully employed singles in a venue surrounded by colleagues and superiors. Which is why you must make every accidental touch count.
"Oh, was that a table or your ass?" you might hear if you get to work and lunge, and squat, and run toward firming those muscles and sucking in that gut.
If you need inspiration, well, there's a man above who's willing to give you some.
Image from
Time Lapse Mushrooms: The Art of Phallic Imagery
You know you've left San Francisco when...
You're more likely to incite a brawl with a Boston fan at a Knicks/Celtics game if you're wearing a Lakers jersey.
Seriously, congrats Oliver! Check out Dos Toros
Bar None doesn't suck
I lied. Never went because my friends said it sucks. I guess some things never change!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Guest Reporter David Says: Find the Right Handshake For You!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Mullet Commentary
My Go-To Pose: The Accusatory Finger

Thursday, November 12, 2009
People Who Serve Me Things Also Arouse Me
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
All I Want for Christmas
I have an upset stomach, and thus I am trying to distract myself until the sense of pending danger goes away. It seems fitting that I am writing this on what looks to be both a stomach and an advertisement for Pepto-Bismol gone awry, but what is really an Urban Outfitters bag that once held cargo shorts and leopard print tights. To whom it may concern, this is going to be a rambling note.